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Unveiling the Journey: An Exciting Update from Our Round-the-World Trip Giveaway Winner (Part 1)

Imagine winning a free trip around the world. That’s exactly what happened to Heather last year. She’s been traveling for a month now, and it’s time to check in with her about her experiences, how she’s managing her budget, and what she’s learned so far.

Heather was over the moon when she won the trip. She couldn’t believe her luck, having never won anything before. She was so shocked that she was afraid to tell anyone in case it was all a dream. Her family and friends have been incredibly supportive, and she feels extremely fortunate.

Heather’s mom passed away before she started traveling, and she often wonders what her mom would think of her adventures. She’s sure her mom would think she’s crazy for leaving her stable job to travel the world, but she also knows her mom would be happy for her.

Heather’s journey started in South America, where she planned to stay for a few months. She initially planned to stay in Peru for three weeks, but she’s considering extending her stay because there’s so much she wants to see. She’s always dreamed of backpacking in South America, and she’s fascinated by the diverse cultures and the impact of Spanish colonialism on indigenous cultures. She’s also excited about visiting famous sites like the Galápagos, the Amazon, and Machu Picchu.

After South America, Heather plans to visit Lisbon, Morocco, Greece, Turkey, and East Africa before heading to Southeast Asia. She had a hard time narrowing down her list of countries to visit, but her friends convinced her to focus on depth rather than breadth.

So far, Heather has spent a few weeks in Ecuador, including the Galápagos, and is now in Peru. She’s planning to continue traveling south and east, eventually reaching Brazil. She spent her first week in Quito, where she stayed with family friends and took the time to plan her trip. She also visited Baños, Ecuador, where she had some amazing adventures, including jumping off a bridge and canyoning down waterfalls.

Heather’s budget took a hit when she visited the Galápagos, but she knew that would happen. She’s been finding ways to save money, like using points to buy flights and Couchsurfing in Peru. She’s also been keeping track of her expenses and has noticed that she’s spending a lot on transportation, especially taxis. She’s considering ways to cut back on this expense.

As a solo female traveler, Heather generally feels safe, although she’s had a few minor issues. She tends to stick to safe areas and doesn’t go out much at night. She’s trying to balance her desire for adventure with the need to stay safe.

Heather is learning to stress less about plans and money, a lesson her mom always tried to teach her. She’s living her dream and is trying to enjoy every moment. She’s also learning to be patient, which is a work in progress.

The worst thing that’s happened so far is that Heather’s phone was pickpocketed. She admits it was preventable and was a result of her feeling too comfortable and not paying enough attention.

Heather’s favorite moments so far have been jumping off a bridge in Baños and snorkeling with sea lions and turtles in the Galápagos. She loved the feeling of flying when she jumped off the bridge, and she was amazed by the clear water and friendly animals in the Galápagos.

Heather’s journey is far from over. She’ll be traveling through South America, Europe, Africa, and Southeast Asia in the coming months. You can follow her adventures on her blog and Instagram.

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