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Embark on Unforgettable Adventures in Guatemala’s Lush Jungle Paradise of Semuc Champey!

I was told that the turquoise pools of Semuc Champey are stunning, but I never expected it to become my top experience in Guatemala. Semuc Champey is like a slice of paradise hidden in Guatemala’s jungles, but getting there isn’t easy. You have to endure a bumpy ride in a pick-up truck along dirt roads that wind through the mountains. The journey itself is quite an adventure, especially if you stand in the back of the truck and take in the breathtaking views of the surrounding nature.

As we ventured deeper into the jungle on foot, I was amazed by the intricate details of the forest. It felt like every tree had been carefully decorated by a movie set designer with patches of moss, fungi, orchids, and liana vines. But this wasn’t a movie set from Indiana Jones; it was all real.

Although the main attraction at Semuc Champey is the blue-green pools of water, our guide first led us to a nearby cave. I’ve explored caves before, but this was a whole new experience. We entered with only candles for light, and since parts of the cave were flooded, we had to swim with one arm while holding a candle with the other. If you’re not up for getting your hands dirty, this tour isn’t for you, but if you’re adventurous, you’ll love it. I faced some challenges inside the cave, including a nerve-wracking climb up a rock wall next to a roaring waterfall (thank you to the guy who helped me up!).

After spending two hours in the cave, we had lunch outside and then hiked up to a lookout point where we finally saw the beautiful pools below. Descending back down to the river involved a slippery hike, and we were greeted by a stunning waterfall at the top of the pools. The sunlight filtering through the trees gave the whole place a magical atmosphere.

Our guide led us to swim through each of the pools, which felt like a paradise at times. We even rode moss and rock slides over the falls, eventually making our way to the pool below. There were a few surprises along the way courtesy of our guides, including a free fish pedicure from the nibbling fish!

I had seen some pictures of Semuc Champey before, expecting just a pretty waterfall, but the reality was beyond majestic. What I thought would be a quick stop turned into a full day of caving, climbing, hiking, swimming, and rope-swinging that left me both satisfied and exhausted. If you plan to visit (which you definitely should), taking a tour is a must as the guides reveal hidden secrets in the cave and pools that you might otherwise miss.

By the way, if you stay in nearby Lanquin, I highly recommend the El Retiro hostel. It’s situated in a peaceful riverside location and offers an amazing communal buffet every evening.

Just after emerging from the cave, my face was stained with red plant juice and dirt from the cave wall… and shortly after that, I wrestled a bear!

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