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Unleash the Wonders of Ronda, Andalucia: Elevate Your Experience in this Cliffside Gem!

When I first visited Ronda back in 2015, I have to admit that I didn’t really give it the attention it deserved. It was just a spontaneous day trip from Malaga, and initially, the town didn’t seem all that special as I entered from the modern part near the train station. However, as soon as I laid eyes on the towering 120-meter tall bridge, my perspective changed completely. The deep chasm running through the town took my breath away. I wandered through the charming cobbled streets and even hiked down into the canyon. But, after a while, the excitement wore off, and with the summer tour bus crowds starting to get to me, I decided to head back to Malaga.

Recently, I had the opportunity to revisit Ronda in Andalucia, Spain, and spend an entire weekend there. This time around, I truly got to appreciate the beauty of this town. I had more time to explore the sights and soak in the stunning landscapes. I realized that Ronda isn’t just a quick stopover; it’s a place that deserves at least a full day of exploration, if not a few days.

During our three-day stay in Ronda, my girlfriend found accommodation in the valley below the town, offering breathtaking views of Ronda perched atop the limestone plateau. Arriving at night along a cobblestone country road, we were suddenly greeted by the awe-inspiring sight of massive limestone cliffs and the orange-lit bridge looming above us. The valley is dotted with charming country guesthouses and a hostel with dormitories. I highly recommend staying in this area if you get the chance. We stayed in one of the guesthouses and absolutely loved it.

Visiting Ronda in January made me appreciate the benefits of traveling during the off-season. It was refreshing to explore the town without the summer crowds. Unlike northern Europe, southern Spain in January still boasts green or autumn-colored trees, temperatures reaching up to 12°C at times, and a lack of that chilly blue-tinted air. Of course, there’s always the chance of rain during this time, but the ever-changing weather adds a unique charm to the landscapes. The almond trees around Ronda were in full bloom, giving the town a spring-like feel whenever the sun peeked out.

Wondering what to do in Ronda? Well, your first stop should definitely be the impressive bridge. While the town boasts many historical monuments dating back to the Arab rule, the Puente Nuevo (New Bridge) built in 1793 steals the show. It took 34 years to complete and is considered Ronda’s iconic landmark. You’ll find plenty of tourist spots around the bridge, including restaurants and souvenir shops. If you want a closer look, head to the Mirador de María Auxiliadora for a path down into the canyon. Don’t miss exploring the Water Mine, a hidden gem from Ronda’s Moorish past, which was crucial for the town’s defense during sieges.

Ronda’s strategic location, nestled between a deep canyon and castle walls, has made it a settlement site since ancient times. The town’s rich history and stunning landscapes make it a must-visit destination. Consider exploring the town on foot, taking in the sights from all angles. Starting from the bridge, you can wander through the Water Mine, pass by the old city wall, and discover the remnants of the ancient castle. Don’t forget to indulge in some authentic tapas at local joints away from the touristy areas near the bridge.

For a more adventurous experience, consider paramotoring over Ronda for a bird’s eye view of the city. It’s a bit pricey but offers a sensational perspective of the town. Ronda also serves as an excellent base to explore the surrounding area, with picturesque white villages like Zahara de la Sierra and outdoor activities like cycling along the Via Verde de La Sierra or hiking the Caminito del Rey trail.

Overall, Ronda has a lot more to offer than meets the eye, making it a destination worth exploring at a leisurely pace.

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