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Hotel & Resort

Unveiling the Breakfast Experience at Park Hyatt Beaver Creek: A Detailed Review

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We’re wrapping up our three-part revisit to the Park Hyatt Beaver Creek. In the first part, we talked about the fantastic suite upgrade we got. The second part gave you a tour of the resort’s beautiful grounds. I left out a charming little detail though – a cozy fireplace that added to the ambiance.

Now, let’s talk about the highlight of the stay – the breakfast. It’s funny because I didn’t expect to write about it. We visited during the off-peak season, and the hotel was pretty quiet. They usually don’t serve the breakfast buffet until the ski season kicks in. But, to our surprise, they had it one morning, and it was spectacular.

I’ve had some amazing breakfasts in my time, including one at the Park Hyatt Paris-Vendome. It wasn’t the biggest buffet, but every dish was so delicious that it didn’t matter. So, how did the Park Hyatt Beaver Creek’s buffet compare? It came pretty close.

The buffet was a long spread, starting with a simple cereal section. The dispensers were the same ones you’d find in Admirals Clubs across the US. Not the most exciting, but they had a good variety. Next to the cereals, there were large mason jars filled with different juices.

Moving on, we found a display of yogurts and fruits. Everything was beautifully presented. It felt like a practice run for the upcoming season’s buffet, but it was impressive nonetheless. The decor matched the resort’s theme perfectly.

Next up were the hot items. There was an omelette station with a friendly chef who made delicious omelettes. Further down, there were cheeses and other typical breakfast buffet items, all of exceptional quality.

One unusual item was a Caesar Salad. I’ve never seen it as part of a breakfast buffet before, but it was there. Then came my absolute favorite – biscuits and sausage gravy. It’s hard to make gravy look good in a photo, but trust me, it was delicious.

I was running out of plate space by this point, which was a shame because there were still so many amazing items left. There were sausage grits cheese pot thingies (probably not their actual name), presented in cute little cast iron pots.

My friend Mark, who has Diamond status with Hyatt, allowed us to order off the menu as well. Since they had biscuits and gravy, I had a hunch they’d also have chicken and waffles – another favorite of mine. And they did! It was a toss-up between which was worse for my health, but hey, it was a holiday, and I worked it off in the gym later.

The chicken and waffles were even better than they looked. So, that’s our revisit to the Park Hyatt Beaver Creek. I hope I’ve given you a more comprehensive picture than last time. I highly recommend you visit, get a suite upgrade, enjoy the property, and most importantly, eat the food!

Have you ever been to the Park Hyatt Beaver Creek? Was your experience as good as mine? Let me know in the comments!

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