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Unleashing the Power of Technology to Transform Travel Experiences

A few weeks back, I shared that I’m introducing regular contributors to this site. Starting this month, every first Tuesday, Dave Dean from Too Many Adapters will be here to share awesome tips and advice on travel tech and gear.

I’ve been a tech enthusiast for as long as I can remember. Back when home computers were less powerful than today’s wristwatches, my parents gave in to my constant requests and bought me the latest computer: a Sinclair ZX Spectrum. This machine had a rubber keyboard that worked when it wanted to, a whopping 16KB of memory, and it loaded programs from a cassette tape that made a noise similar to our cat when my sister pulled its tail. Instead of a monitor, it connected to the TV, which led to daily arguments at 6 p.m. when my parents wanted to watch the news, and I was trying to finish a level of Manic Miner.

With the internet still a distant dream and imported games in New Zealand costing more than my allowance, I would buy computer magazines and spend days typing in the code for text-based adventures. Yes, I was a geek from an early age.

After graduating, I moved to London and started working in IT. For the next 15 years, I tried to balance work with my growing travel addiction, swapping briefcases for backpacks and suits for flip-flops every few years.

Three years ago, I quit my office job for good and co-founded Too Many Adapters. I noticed that while there were thousands of sites about either technology or travel, none focused on both. I felt this needed to change, and I’ve been writing about the subject ever since. The site has become the leading technology resource for travelers, with hundreds of articles helping thousands of readers choose and use the best travel gear for their trip.

Technology has come a long way since I first started traveling. When I packed my bag for London, the only electronics I had were a small film camera and a fake Walkman for my mixtapes. Now, I have a laptop, smartphone, tablet, digital camera, GoPro, portable hard drive, and Kindle, along with a bag full of chargers and cables. Whether this is progress is up for debate, but there’s no denying that tech plays a significant role in many travelers’ lives.

However, dealing with technology isn’t always easy. Gear and apps that work perfectly at home often fail in a world of dust, rain, bumpy bus rides, and slow internet. Security is also a concern — for the physical equipment you carry, the personal information it contains, and for you, when it’s obvious you have gear worth a few thousand dollars in your bag. Many travel insurance policies don’t fully cover your electronics, or they cost a fortune if they do.

Choosing the right tech for your travels, and using it safely and effectively, can make the difference between an enjoyable trip and a miserable, expensive one. That’s where I come in.

Every first Tuesday of the month, I’ll cover all aspects of travel tech — the best gear and how to use it, choosing the right apps and websites, preventing disasters, staying connected, and much more — with a focus on saving you time, money, and hassles on your travels.

I’ll provide real-world reviews of the products I talk about. Since I’ve been living out of a backpack full-time since 2011, I deal with these realities every day. If the gear I use can’t withstand the beating I give it, I won’t recommend it. If the apps and sites I test are hard to use, don’t work in certain countries, or can’t handle you moving every few days, you’ll know about it. If warranties are invalid after you leave home or impractical without a mailing address, I’ll mention that too.

When it comes to travel tech, there’s no substitute for practical experience. The fanciest features don’t mean much when your phone stops working hundreds of miles from the nearest repair center, or your online banking locks you out because you moved cities too often.

Technology always raises a lot of questions. My goal is to help you use technology to enhance your trip, without it getting in the way of your travel experience. I’m thrilled to share my two passions — travel and tech — with you. Let’s make it happen.

Dave runs Too Many Adapters, a site dedicated to technology for travelers. A geek for as long as he can remember, he has worked in IT for 15 years. Now living out of a backpack long-term, Dave writes about travel and tech from anywhere with decent internet and a great view. You can also find him discussing the life of a long-term traveler at What’s Dave Doing?

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