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Travel Tips

Chasing Ambitions: What’s Your Personal Everest?

Here’s a more conversational and streamlined version of the article:

Chasing Goals: What’s Your Everest?

My sister once told me that after achieving a big goal, there’s a period of feeling lost. I didn’t believe her until I found myself sitting on my bed in Bangkok, Thailand, feeling exactly that. I had just completed my mission of visiting 197 countries in 11 years. It was a journey filled with stress, sacrifice, and incredible adventures. I thought I’d feel a sense of pride, but instead, I felt empty.

The Beauty in Struggle

The beauty, I realized, is in the struggle. It’s not about the destination, but the journey. My goal was to visit every country, but more importantly, to show the world that anyone can achieve their dreams. You don’t need a privileged background or a trust fund. All you need is courage, determination, and the will to take action. I felt like I had done that, but then I asked myself, "What’s next?"

Aim Higher

A year has passed since I achieved my big goal. Was that my life’s Everest? Of course not. Now it’s time to take more risks, endure more, and aim even higher. My journey is just beginning.

New Goals

I’ve had time to reflect on what it means to set a goal and reach it. Pushing our boundaries is an integral part of living a fulfilled life. My boundaries have been pushed further than I ever thought possible, but they’re still there, just a bit further away. They’re begging to be pushed further. So, should I back down from that challenge, knowing that I succeeded once before? Absolutely not. Now’s the time to push them even further.

Be Your Own Superhero

A friend of mine once told me to be my own superhero. He dedicated himself to being the best version of himself, a version he could be proud of. I was in awe of his message. I was more concerned about the perception of who I was rather than who I actually was. His words put me on the right path.

I’m not particularly talented, but my journey to 197 countries taught me resilience and determination. I tested my limits by running the North Pole Marathon, finishing 8th. It wasn’t my ability that got me through, but my stubbornness and desire to succeed.

Goal Digger: What’s Your Everest?

I’ve set new goals for myself. First, I want to visit every country in the world honestly and ethically. I’ve currently visited 212 out of 216. Second, I want to run the Marathon Des Sables, which is six marathons in six days through the Moroccan Sahara. Lastly, I want to complete the 7 Summits, culminating in Everest. I aim to become the youngest person to visit every country, the North Pole, South Pole, and the 7 summits in the world, ideally in the next five years. That’s my Everest.

Final Thoughts

It took me 10 years to reach this mindset. What got me here was setting a big goal, achieving it, and then setting a new one. Don’t limit yourself. Set a big goal now, strive to achieve it, and then move on to the next one. Before you know it, your Everest may actually be Everest too.

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