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Travel Tips

Unveiling 2019: A Whirlwind Journey of $250k Earnings, $100k Charitable Acts, 64 Sky Crossings, and 19 Nations Explored!

Wow, what a whirlwind 2019 was! I’ve just returned to my home base in Bangkok, Thailand after spending the last few weeks climbing South America’s highest mountain, Aconcagua, in Argentina. Now, it’s time to reflect on the past year and catch up on my blogging and work with our Mudita Adventures foundation.

2019 was a busy year, to say the least. I was constantly on the move, taking on numerous projects, making some mistakes along the way, but also achieving many of my goals and learning valuable lessons. I flew a staggering 64 times and visited 19 different countries. Despite promising myself I would slow down and focus more on my health and business, I ended up traveling more than ever.

A significant part of my travels was due to our social foundation, Mudita Adventures. We undertook projects in Northern Thailand, Cambodia, Nepal, Indonesia, Tanzania, Kenya, Jordan, and Ethiopia, donating around $100kUSD through our trips. We built malaria clinics, English classrooms, kindergartens, homes, a library, and a water-well. We also brought along 15 of our followers, making some great new friends in the process.

In addition to the foundation work, I also climbed several mountains, including the highest mountain in Australasia, Puncak Jaya, and Europe’s second highest, Mont Blanc. For my mum’s 70th birthday, we set a goal for her to climb Japan’s highest peak, which she achieved, and we raised $20kUSD for the Cure Parkinson’s Trust in the process.

I also participated in the ‘Hardest Foot Race in the world’, running 6 marathons across 6 days in the Sahara desert. It was a tough but transformational experience.

On the personal front, I proposed to my girlfriend, Jaa, in Bora Bora, and she said yes! We also had an adventure trip to Syria, which was in such demand that I ended up running 2 trips back to back.

Despite all the achievements, I also made some mistakes. I drank too much alcohol, which affected my health and fitness. I also let some friendships drift, which I regret.

Financially, I did well, making around $20k a month, not including the capital appreciation in the 3 investment properties I own. My income comes primarily from this blog, my SEO business, rent from my properties, some investments with a fund-manager, and the occasional public speaking gig and sponsored Instagram post.

Looking back, 2019 was a rollercoaster ride, but I wouldn’t have it any other way. However, I do need to slow down in 2020. I’m 36 now, and the constant traveling and hectic lifestyle is taking its toll. I need to focus more on my health, both physical and mental, and spend more time with my loved ones. Here’s to a more balanced and fulfilling 2020!

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