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Unleashing Freedom: A Journey Beyond Travel

When I first embarked on my round-the-world journey, I meticulously planned every detail. I knew exactly where I was going, how I was getting there, and what I was going to do. But, a few days into my trip, I quickly realized that no matter how much you plan, things change.

Why? Because you’ll meet people who will recommend places you hadn’t considered. Or you’ll fall in love with a city and want to stay longer. Or maybe you’ll dislike a place and want to leave earlier than planned. This is the beauty of solo travel – it offers unlimited freedom.

I’m a Gemini, and I can be quite indecisive. This often leads to last-minute plans, which I then change again when a new, exciting idea pops into my head. But that’s the beauty of long-term travel – it’s okay to be spontaneous. In fact, it’s encouraged.

When you’re on the road for weeks or months, you need to be open to change. You need to let serendipity guide you to new adventures. That’s what happened to me on Ko Lipe, which remains one of the best months of my travels. By allowing myself the freedom to change my plans, I opened myself up to experiences I could never have planned for.

Growing up, I always wanted to be the captain of my own ship. I wanted to work because I loved what I did, not because I needed a paycheck. I wanted the freedom to jet off to a new place whenever I wanted. But then life happened. I graduated college with debt, started working, and before I knew it, I was stuck in the rat race.

That’s when I decided to quit my job and start traveling. The hardest part was taking the leap, but once I did, everything else was easy. It wasn’t just the travel that drew me in, but the freedom and flexibility it offered. The ability to wake up one day and decide to go to Ukraine the next. Or to take up golf. Or to start a bakery. Or to move to Thailand to teach yoga or English.

I’ve been reflecting a lot on my last ten years of travel. It’s so easy to get caught up in societal expectations – get a job, get married, buy a house, have kids, retire. But one day you wake up and realize you haven’t done many of the things you really wanted to do.

Maybe that’s why people have mid-life crises. Maybe that’s why my dad decided to start riding motorcycles again, or why my friend’s mom changed careers. Maybe that’s why so many people turn to travel.

Travel offers a sense of freedom and adventure. It offers endless possibilities. And once you’ve tasted that freedom, it’s hard to go back to the box.

For now, travel is what makes me happy. But who knows what the future holds? All I know is that I won’t give up my freedom to do whatever makes me happy, whenever I want.

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