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Travel Tips

Embarking on Your Blogging Journey: A Comprehensive Guide to Launching a Travel Blog in 2024

Here’s a more engaging and easy-to-follow version of the article on starting a travel blog:

Kickstart Your Travel Blog in 2024: A Step-by-Step Guide

Ever dreamt of sharing your travel stories with the world and making a living out of it? Well, starting a travel blog can turn that dream into reality. Here’s a simple guide to get you started in less than 30 minutes.

My Story

Once upon a time, I was a broke English teacher in Asia. Fast forward to now, I’ve made over a million dollars from my travel blog, bought properties in London and Bangkok, and visited every country in the world. All thanks to my blog. Now, I want to help you start your own travel blog.

Step 1: Choose Your Blog’s Name

Your blog’s name is crucial. It’s your online persona, so choose wisely. Here are some tips:

  • Don’t limit yourself: Choose a name that can evolve as you do. For example, "" might sound cool now, but it’ll be outdated next year.
  • Be smart with characters: Avoid numbers, abbreviations, and hyphens if possible. They can confuse people.
  • Be professional: Remember, big brands might want to work with you in the future. So, avoid anything that might seem unprofessional.

Step 2: Get Your Blog Online

To get your blog online, you need to buy your blog name (domain name) and set up hosting. I recommend using BlueHost for both. They’re affordable, offer a 30-day money-back guarantee, and provide excellent customer service.

Step 3: Make Your Blog Look Like a Blog – Install WordPress

Once you’ve got your domain and hosting sorted, it’s time to install WordPress. It’s a free software that lets you publish articles, change your design, and more. BlueHost makes it easy by automatically installing WordPress when you register for hosting.

Step 4: Design Your Blog

Now, it’s time to make your blog look good. WordPress offers hundreds of free themes to choose from. Once you’ve chosen and activated a theme, you can start posting!

Step 5: Social Media, Making Money, and More

Once your blog is up and running, there’s still a lot to learn. Here are some things to consider:

  • Social Media: Create profiles for your blog on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. These platforms can help you reach a larger audience.
  • About You: Create an ‘About Me’ page to share your story with your readers.
  • Making Money: There are many ways to monetize your blog, from affiliate marketing to sponsored posts. But remember, focus on building your audience first. The money will follow.
  • Google Analytics: Sign up for Google Analytics to track your traffic and see what kind of posts resonate with your readers.


  • Can anyone start a blog? Yes, as long as you can pay for your hosting fees, you can start a blog.
  • Do I need to speak English to start a travel blog? No, you can blog in your native language. If you’re bilingual, consider blogging in both languages.
  • Is it too late to start a travel blog? No, there’s always room for quality blogs.
  • Can I start a travel blog if I haven’t travelled much? Yes, you can document your journey, from planning to travelling.

So, are you ready to change your life, travel the world, get paid to travel, create a positive influence on others, and be free of offices and ‘real world’ rubbish? Then let’s get started on your travel blog today!

Remember, never travel without travel insurance! I use HeyMondo. They cover almost everywhere, even places like Central African Republic. You can sign up here.

Also, if you want to start a blog, I can help you! Email me at [email protected]. If you’re not tech-savvy, my team can get a blog up and running for you for $699. Email [email protected] to get started.

If you work remotely or are a digital nomad, you need to be insured too. I use SafetyWing for my digital nomad insurance. It’s just $10 a week. You can read my review here, and you can sign up here!

Happy travels!

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