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Engaging Conversation with Lee Abbamonte: The Trailblazing American Globetrotter

A few years back, I met this guy, Lee, who found my blog, bought my blogging course, and started sending me all sorts of emails. We’ve become buddies since then. You might remember him from that selfie we took when my United flight had to make an emergency landing. Lee’s claim to fame is that he’s the youngest American to have visited every country in the world, and boy, does he have some stories to tell!

Lee’s journey into travel started when he was working in finance after college. His goal was to make big bucks on Wall Street, but a study abroad stint in London during his junior year changed everything. That experience opened his eyes to the world and reshaped his life goals. He knew he wanted to travel more, but he needed money for that, so he stuck with his Wall Street job.

Travel wasn’t always his end goal. He was just looking to make money and enjoy life to the fullest. He’d written a few travel stories for fun and started a blog to keep his friends and family updated. Over time, his involvement in travel-related activities just sort of happened.

In 2008, he quit his Wall Street job, right before the major financial collapse. It made him look like a genius, but it was pure coincidence. His original goal was to visit 100 countries by the time he was 30. He achieved that goal at 25. Then he found out about the record for the youngest person to visit every country in the world and decided to give it a shot. Even if he didn’t break the record, he’d still get to see the world, and it turned out to be a great decision.

He didn’t quit his job specifically to chase the record. He was just tired of corporate life and needed a break. He did break the record, though, becoming the youngest American to visit every country in 2011 at the age of 32.

He’s pretty settled now, with a nice apartment in New York City and a lifestyle that allows him to work from anywhere. He loves the unpredictability of his life and wouldn’t have it any other way.

One of his most memorable experiences was in Libya during the overthrow of Gaddafi. It was the last country he needed to visit to complete his world tour. He managed to get in through the eastern border with Egypt, which was controlled by the rebels. He even got caught in a firefight at the border, but he made it through!

For those who’ve never traveled before, he recommends starting with Europe. Buy a Eurail pass and visit the major cities. It’s a great way to get comfortable with traveling and experience different cultures. He’s also a big sports fan and has been to almost every major sporting event in the world. His most memorable sports experience was the 2001 World Series, just six weeks after September 11th.

His friends understand his lifestyle, and he always makes time for them. He visits them wherever they live, welcomes them to New York, and never misses big events. After all, what’s life without friends and family?

You can read more about Lee’s adventures on his blog and follow him on Facebook and Twitter.

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