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Discover 11 Additional Remarkable Travel Books I’ve Delved Into

In 2015, I made a New Year’s resolution to read more, and for the first time ever, I stuck to it. I’ve read over 80 books this year, covering everything from travel and business to history and self-improvement, and even biographies. I’ve rediscovered my love for reading. As a teenager, I was a bookworm (I mean, what 15-year-old reads the unabridged Les Misérables for fun?), but in recent years, I’ve been more into Netflix than books. I’m so glad I’ve picked up reading again. It’s amazing to learn, understand, and explore other people’s worlds, to see life from their perspective, and to be inspired to travel and live better.

As the year draws to a close, I want to share the books that have sparked my wanderlust the most:

  1. The Art of Travel by Alain de Botton: This isn’t your typical travel adventure book. Instead, it delves into the reasons why we travel. From the anticipation of a trip to the journey itself and the return, Botton covers it all. It’s the most thought-provoking travel book I’ve read this year. His sophisticated and vivid language and his discussions on beauty, travel, and the mundane are captivating and thought-provoking.

  2. Turn Right at Machu Picchu by Mark Adams: Adams shares his experience of trekking through Peru in search of Inca ruins and ancient cities, following the original route of archaeologist Hiram Bingham when he rediscovered Machu Picchu in 1911. The book taught me a lot about Peru, and I’m inspired to visit many of the sites Adams explored on my trip there next year.

  3. The Lost City of Z by David Grann: Grann sets out to discover what happened to South American explorer Percy Fawcett, who ventured into the Amazon jungle in search of the mythical Lost City of Z. The book blends history, biography, and travelogue, providing insights into Percy’s life and expeditions, the science behind the myth of Z, and the possibility of advanced civilizations in the Amazon.

  4. Marching Powder by Rusty Young & Thomas McFadden: This book tells the true story of Thomas McFadden, an English drug trafficker who ended up in Bolivia’s San Pedro prison after being double-crossed. The story is gripping, revealing life in a prison where inmates bought their own cells, made their own drugs, bribed cops, and more.

  5. Cockpit Confidential by Patrick Smith: As someone who gets anxious about flying, I found this book by a pilot explaining how planes work and what all those sounds are very helpful. It demystified flying for me and eased many of my fears.

  6. Amsterdam by Russell Shorto: Shorto, one of my favorite writers, covers one of my favorite cities in the world. He provides a fantastic overview of the city’s history through the stories of its famous and not-so-famous residents.

  7. The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho: This book is always on my best-reads list. It’s a truly inspiring story about a young shepherd boy traveling from Spain to Egypt after a dream tells him he needs to get there.

  8. Walking the Amazon: 860 Days. One Step at a Time by Ed Stafford: Stafford walked from the Pacific to the Atlantic, from Peru to Brazil, all the way across the Amazon jungle! His story is inspiring and life-changing.

  9. The Good Girl’s Guide to Getting Lost by Rachel Friedman: Rachel describes her sheltered childhood and her decision to spend a few months in Ireland. There she meets an Australian who becomes her best friend and inspires her to travel the world.

  10. Wild by Cheryl Strayed: Strayed’s book is about her journey along the 2,650-mile Pacific Crest Trail when she was 26. She sets off in hopes of finding herself and coming to grips with the death of her mother, break-up of her marriage, and drug addiction.

  11. How to Travel the World on $50 a Day by me: This guide will help you plan your trip from A to Z, save money in regions around the world, and become a better budget traveler.

I also enjoyed a few more books throughout the year, including Titan: The Life of John D. Rockefeller, Sr. by Ron Chernow, 7 Habits of Highly Effective People: Powerful Lessons in Personal Change by Steven R. Covey, and Drunk Tank Pink: And Other Unexpected Forces That Shape How We Think, Feel, and Behave by Adam Alter.

If you have any book suggestions, feel free to leave them in the comment section. Happy reading and safe travels!

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