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Unstoppable Staci: How a Medical Condition Couldn’t Deter Her Travel Passions

In 2018, I had the pleasure of meeting Staci at a gathering in New York City. She was there to express her gratitude for the role I played in helping her fulfill her dream of traveling the world. But for Staci, traveling isn’t as straightforward as hopping on a plane. She was born with a rare genetic condition called Nager syndrome, which has left her deaf, with fused fingers and jaw, and a host of other medical issues. Despite these challenges, Staci has been determined to make her travel dreams come true.

Staci, now 28, was born in Seattle and moved to a rural town in New York when she was ten. She’s always been fascinated by languages and other cultures. Despite her deafness, she excelled in Spanish beyond her third-grade hearing classmates because she found it fun and challenging. She also loves history and art, which led her to earn a bachelor’s degree in art history and museum professions.

Staci’s travel journey began with family trips around the United States. However, it wasn’t until her senior year at a small high school for the deaf that she got a taste of international travel when she visited Italy and Greece. This experience sparked her love for travel and the freedom it offered. In 2010, she embarked on her first solo trip to Montreal, and a year later, she set off on a months-long trip through Europe, visiting Germany, Austria, Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia, and Serbia.

Over the years, Staci has traveled to various countries, including Nicaragua, Mexico, Ecuador, Iceland, and the Philippines. She’s learned valuable lessons along the way, such as the importance of budgeting and the challenges of overpacking. She’s also found resources for deaf travelers, like Seek the World by Calvin Young and No Barriers by Joel Barish.

Traveling with Nager syndrome presents unique challenges, especially when it comes to food. Staci can’t eat solid food and relies on a special food supplement, which can be difficult to find in some countries. Despite these challenges, she continues to travel and explore the world, learning about different cultures and histories along the way.

Staci’s story is a testament to the power of determination and the human spirit. Despite the obstacles she faces, she continues to pursue her passion for travel and exploration. Her advice to new travelers is to make an effort to meet locals and learn about their culture, as this can greatly enrich the travel experience.

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