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Unveiling Heather’s Secrets: A Budget-Friendly South American Adventure

Last year, I had the pleasure of giving away a trip around the world. After sifting through thousands of entries, Heather emerged as the lucky winner. She’s already had some incredible experiences, and now it’s time to check in with her. We’re going to find out how her journey is going, how she’s managing her budget (is she sticking to $50 a day?), and what lessons she’s learned as she travels across South America.

Heather has been quite busy since our last update. She spent two months in Peru and is currently in Chile. Initially, she didn’t plan on visiting Peru because she wasn’t sure she could afford to visit Machu Picchu. However, after meeting some fellow travelers who shared budget-friendly tips, she ended up spending two months in the country!

When it comes to budgeting, Heather found it easier to stay on track in Peru. In her first month, she spent around $600 USD, thanks to the low cost of living in Northern Peru. She managed to save by couchsurfing and going on a camping trip. However, she spent more in her second month, around $1,200 USD, as she found the south more expensive and indulged in trying out various restaurants in Cusco and Arequipa.

Heather’s biggest budgeting mistake? Overindulging in food, especially in southern Peru where there are many tempting restaurants. She spent her first four days in Cusco in an American-style café, ordering multiple coffees and desserts while working on her writing. She realized she needed to balance working in a café with not overspending, and is still learning how to do that.

One of the things Heather has learned about herself on this trip is that she’s more outgoing than she thought. She’s been surprised at how quickly she bonds with new people she meets on the road. She attributes this to the time pressure of knowing they’ll part ways soon and the shared experience of travel.

Heather also shared that one stereotype she had about South America being a dangerous place, especially for a woman, has changed. While she did feel wary at first, she’s found that she’s not often targeted as much as other travelers. She’s been pleasantly surprised by the kindness of strangers and feels that people look out for each other more than in the United States.

As for her favorite activity so far, it’s got to be visiting Machu Picchu. Despite being a cliché, she found the experience truly wonderful. On the other hand, her least favorite was Rainbow Mountain, which she found unimpressive and not as magical as people claim.

Heather is also planning to give back while on the road. She’s connected with a friend in Brazil to get involved in protests and outreach work, and she’s found an organization to volunteer with in Tanzania, where she’ll be teaching English and basic computer skills.

The worst thing that’s happened to Heather so far is losing her GoPro on her Rainbow Mountain trek. She was frustrated to know that someone had it but she had no way to get it back. However, she takes it in stride, joking that she loses so many things on the road that she’ll return with an empty bag.

Next on Heather’s itinerary are Buenos Aires, Iguazu Falls, Rio de Janeiro, and then Morocco. She’s excited about the cultural shock she’s expecting in Morocco, especially with Ramadan starting in the middle of next month.

As Heather continues her journey through Europe, Africa, and Southeast Asia, we’ll keep following along to learn more about her experiences, challenges, budgeting, and everything in between. You can also follow her adventures on her blog, Confidently Lost, and on Instagram.

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