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Unraveling the Essence of Travel: A Personal Perspective

A few years back, I embarked on a journey around the globe, asking people what travel meant to them. Now, as I tour the country promoting my book, I’m reminded of that journey every time I hear someone’s unique reason for traveling.

You see, travel isn’t a one-size-fits-all concept. It means something different to everyone. There are countless reasons why people decide to explore the world. Some do it to satisfy their wanderlust, to tick off places from their bucket list, or to say they’ve "been there, done that". Others travel to escape their problems or to party in different corners of the globe.

For me, travel is synonymous with freedom. It’s the ability to do what I want, when I want, filling my days with thrilling experiences. Travel was my escape, my "elsewhere", the place where all the exciting things and people were. It was my way of breaking free from the mundane, learning about the world, understanding why people do what they do, and how they behave. It was a journey of self-discovery, pushing my boundaries, and becoming more comfortable with who I am.

But I was curious about what drives others to travel. I had my theories, of course, but I wanted to hear it straight from the horse’s mouth. So, during one of my extended trips, I started asking people I met one simple question: "What does travel mean to you?" The answers I received were as diverse as the people themselves, perfectly encapsulating the myriad reasons that compel us to traverse the globe, learn about its inhabitants, and discover ourselves in the process.

Now, I’d love to hear from you. What does travel mean to you? What’s your driving force? Share your thoughts and let’s continue this conversation.

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